Wednesday, June 1, 2011

japenese tattoos

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  • The Beatles
    Apr 4, 01:04 PM
    This is the very reason why I think that Apple's policy should be reconsidered. Why would content providers such as the Financial Times be compelled to offer their content on iOS, when Apple requires them to (additionally) use the in-app purchases by which the providers lose the advantage of using their own register and keeping the entire revenue, without having to share it with Apple.

    The Financial Times didnt have this new revenue stream before Apple offered it to them. Why wouldnt apple share profits? To me its more about keeping companies away from data collecting on their prey...i mean peons... i mean customers.

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  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 18, 06:05 AM
    What does this have to do with MacBooks and Macs in general?

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  • Happybunny
    Feb 4, 03:11 AM
    I decided to have a complete set of Hayden



    MBA 13"

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  • bertyee
    Nov 2, 07:56 AM
    New iPod Shuffle ordered from the Apple Store on Oct 30 is bieng delivered today - 5 days ahead of the original delivery date that Apple initially promised.


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  • mytran80
    Mar 31, 03:34 AM
    Can I ask why? Better signal With AT&T ? Or is it the plan pricing?

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 13, 07:51 PM
    Apple already released a new iPhone this year... remember? The one that works on a CDMA network!

    1) You really think they would put all that work into rolling out the CDMA iPhone 4 in February then turn around 4 months later and expect these people to buy an iPhone 5?

    2) You know how many pissed off Verizon people there would be? June 2012 at the earliest... ;)

    1) Yes, Apple doesn't care.

    2) Yes, Apple doesn't care.


    Apple only cares about the bottom line, they've gone from the company that bragged they were anti-establishment, to who they are today.

    The mainstream, fancy retail store building, we'll screw you at every chance, company.

    I'm NOT bashing Apple, it simply is what it is. Corporate America.

    There's nothing wrong with that.


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  • zen.state
    Apr 4, 10:59 AM
    Have you called Other World Computing to ask them if they will both work together?

    If they will, I would start checking power supply lead voltages, you could be experiencing a power supply failure causing an undervoltage occurrence to the cards, thus causing a kernel panic.

    He didn't buy them from OWC and they also don't support the card near as well as the manufacturer even if he did buy it there.

    A few hard drives with stock video is never going to be too much power for a 400 watt PSU. Even with the full 6 drives he wants to use thats only maybe 75-90 watts. The dual 867 card would use maybe 55 watts tops. All thats left is the stock geforce 4 MX, optical drive and the system fans which wouldn't add up to anymore than maybe 120 watts. 90+55+120=265 watts. Because there were more powerful video upgrades out at the time of the MDD they allowed an extra 150 watts or so for power hungry cards. ie. 9800 pro and Geforce 7800.

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  • Beautiful Japanese Tattoos

  • pgasnier
    Jul 2, 08:17 PM
    Trying to jailbreak my 3GS for hours and no sucess .
    it has the new ios 4 software , tried with pnwage tool 4.0 ,
    got a message sayig that firmware is not compatible .
    tried with redsnow , didnt work
    any suggestions ?


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  • caspersoong
    Apr 30, 08:36 PM
    Castle doesn't sound so Apple-ish in my opinion. Odd code name.

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  • Cassie
    Apr 7, 09:42 AM
    I'm so weird...I want one. :o

    But, given the choice, I already have my dream car.

    (Not my pic)


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  • the Japanese tattoo design

  • It's a tribute
    Sep 4, 09:05 PM (

    iTunes can't disply Thai font :(

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  • Iglio
    Aug 15, 01:02 AM
    Most of these blob icons are custom, PM more for them (


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  • Japanese Tattoo Designs

  • Jason S.
    Nov 19, 12:28 PM
    The fact that this is for "select" stores, makes me wonder if they are using this to get people in the store. People might visit to see if they have the iPads in stock, and end up leaving with other products. And even if they do have the iPad in stock at certain stores, the profits they receive from the others who were unable to find the iPad but still make a purchase will probably exceed their loss.

    And I'm not talking about TJ Maxx trying to attract the people that would necessarily visit MacRumors. They are most likely trying to target 35-60 year old moms, grandmas, wives, etc. that don't know much about the iPad and would be interested in the other types of products TJ Maxx sells.

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  • all about japanese tattoo

  • Philalbe
    Mar 20, 08:55 AM
    Philalbe, based on what you've said, he sounds like someone you really don't want to be doing business with. In the end, the pay would have to be a lot better than that for it to be worth all the stress.

    If I can offer you just a little bit of advice, having run my own business for quite a number of years, it would be this� Firstly, you're charging WAY too little. I did too when I started out. That's why this guy back-pedalled IMO, not because he's a nice guy, but because he realises that no one else will do the quality of work you're doing at this price. I could be wrong, but he sounds like some people I've seen before. He knows you're a bit green in business, and he'll take advantage of it to save every penny he can, hence the line that 3 hours is all he can afford. You have to be confident in your service and your prices and set them accordingly. If he values the service you offer, he will pay the price. If not, he'll go in search of the next person gullible enough to pay what he's offering, and he will. This kind of person places no value in establishing long-term business relationships and he offers very little value to you and your business.

    I know you're only starting out and you're keen to get any work you can, but in the long term it's going to bite you because a lot of the customers you're establishing now at this price are going to start taking it for granted. I don't know what the going rates are in your area, but you need to find out. I'll bet you people are charging upwards of 4 or 5 times that amount.

    Good luck! :)


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  • jsf8x
    Aug 17, 11:00 AM
    wall and dock please

    I'm not sure about the wallpaper and I can't just give you the dock. look for the customization thread (somewhere on this forum) if you want to learn how to make your dock look like that.

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  • Japanese Tattoo Designs

  • HighwayChile
    Apr 25, 12:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Have people maybe stoped to think, that we may not get a new model this year? That the reason they are putting out the white model now, is to cover the fact we won't see a update till next year?

    It could mean that the iPhone 5 will keep the same form factor as the iPhone 4. If it dose they can easily use the white outer shells they are now making for the iPhone 4 in the iPhone 5.


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  • Weaselboy
    Apr 30, 09:06 AM
    Google Shopper (

    japenese tattoos. Japanese Tattoo Designs
  • Japanese Tattoo Designs

  • untypoed
    Apr 1, 04:50 PM
    The Post Your Mac Set-up thread has all the links to the previous threads.. How about we do the same for here? Just incase you want it. It's interesting to see the desktops throughout the years. I'm such a geek.

    Feb 2002 (
    March 2002 (
    April 2002 (
    April 2002 - May 2002 (
    June 2002 (
    July 2002 (
    August 2002 (
    September 2002 (
    October 2002 (
    Late November 2002/ early December 2002 (
    January 2003 (
    February 2003 (
    December 2002/January 2003 (
    April 2003 (
    May 2003 (
    June 2003 (
    July 2003 (
    August 2003 (
    September 2003 (
    October 2003 (
    November 2003 (
    January 2004 (
    April 2004 (
    May 2004 (
    June 2004 (
    July 2004 (
    August 2004 (
    September 2004 (
    October 2004 (
    November 2004 (
    December 2004 (
    January 2005 (
    February 2005 (
    March 2005 (
    April 2005 (
    May 2005 (
    June 2005 (
    July 2005 (
    August 2005 (
    September 2005 (
    October 2005 (
    November 2005 (
    December 2005 (
    January 2006 (
    February 2006 (
    March 2006 (
    April 2006 (
    May 2006 (
    June 2006 (
    July 2006 (
    August 2006 (
    September 2006 (
    October 2006 (
    November 2006 (
    December 2006 (
    January 2007 (
    February 2007 (
    March 2007 (
    April 2007 (
    May 2007 (
    June 2007 (
    July 2007 (
    August 2007 (
    September 2007 (
    October 2007 (
    November 2007 (
    December 2007 (
    January 2008 (
    February 2008 (
    March 2008 (
    April 2008 (
    May 2008 (
    June 2008 (
    July 2008 (
    August 2008 (
    September 2008 (
    October 2008 (
    November 2008 (
    December 2008 (
    January 2009 (
    February 2009 (
    March 2009 (
    April 2009 (
    May 2009 (
    June 2009 (
    July 2009 (
    August 2009 (
    September 2009 (
    October 2009 (
    November 2009 (
    December 2009 (
    January 2010 (
    February 2010 (
    March 2010 (
    April 2010 (
    May 2010 (
    June 2010 (
    July 2010 (
    August 2010 (
    September 2010 (
    October 2010 (
    November 2010 (
    December 2010 (
    January 2011 (
    February 2011 (
    March 2011 (

    japenese tattoos. Japanese Tattoos
  • Japanese Tattoos

  • StarbucksSam
    Nov 29, 08:16 PM
    Skype is a total must have. It's audio chat with anyone and it's free. Wow. a+++ great ebayer. LOL

    Nov 4, 08:03 PM
    Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack
    sorry but it deserves everyone of those mentions a great application. A great app that really lets you control your trackpad. A must have if you have an ibook or powerbook.

    MenuMeters Also another great app to tell you if your computer is actually working.

    Perhpas it is cool, but it "crashed" my touch pad. I zapped PRAM, repaired permissions and deleted the Sidetrack program and I still coouldn't get the touch pad to work again. Finally, I reinstalled Panther and it works......

    Mar 31, 05:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    There's a remarkable amount of shortsightedness in this thread. But that's typical of the entire generic Wintel/PC world. No imagination. No ability to see possibilities as development of Post-PC era hardware continues. Or rather, iPad development.

    May 3, 03:50 AM
    I started donating blood before I joined MacRumors, sorry :D

    Oct 12, 11:42 AM (

    Dec 24, 01:15 PM
    I got these floor mats as a gift. They are from American Muscle for my mustang :)

    I absolutely love them so far! I bought sequential lights and a decal for the third brake light myself. Can't wait to install them!

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